Saturday 7/28/2018
AMRAP 20 teams of 2 1200m row – switch every 300m 40 power cleans 135, 95 40 shoulder to overhead 135, 95 40 burpees
Friday 7/27/2018
1) Build to 3RM clean and jerk 2) Back Squat 3×8@ 70% +0-10#
Thursday 7/26/2018
For Time 2k Row 5k Assault Bike *score total time
Wednesday 7/25/2018
4 Rounds for time 40 Double Unders 20 KB Snatches (10 each side) 53, 35 20 Pull Ups
Tuesday 7/24/2018
1) Build to max in 12 minutes Power Clean + 5 Push Press 2) Alternate sets: Back Squat 3×10@65% Skater Squats 3×15 each leg
Monday 7/23/2018
1) Amrap 10 10 push ups 10 wall balls 20, 14 2) deadlift 3-3-3-3
Saturday 7/21/2018
For Time 1 Mile Run 21 Thrusters (95, 65) 21 Pull ups 800m Run 15 Thrusters 15 Pull ups 400m Run 9 Thrusters 9 Pull... Read More
Friday 7/20/2018
1) EMOM 10 3 deadlifts + 3 hang cleans + 3 jerks 2) RDL 2×12 3) Back Squat 3×8@70%
Thursday 7/19/2018
6 Rounds For Time 10 Toes to Bar 5 Squat Cleans (155, 105) 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Wednesday 7/18/18
AMRAP 15 30 Double Unders 5 DB push press each arm 50, 35 12 Pull Ups