Saturday 9/1/2018
**Monday Labor Day – class at 9am only** Partner WOD For Time 800m Run Then 50-40-30-20-10 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 Sit Ups Then 50-40-30-20-10 Pull... Read More
Friday 8/31/2018
Build to 1 rep max for day Snatch Clean and Jerk
Thursday 8/30/2018
6 Sets. Rest 4 minutes between efforts Bike max cals 1 minute
Wednesday 8/29/2018
EMOM 20 odd minutes Jerk x2@65-75% even minutes Deadlift x5. use jerk weight
Tuesday 8/28/2018
For Time 21-15-9 400m Run each round Power Snatches 95, 65 Pull Ups
Monday 8/27/2018
1) Build to max in 12 minutes Power Clean & Push Press 2) Build to max Front Squat 3) Skater Squats 2×15 each leg
Saturday 8/25/2018
AMRAP 20 12 Toes to Bar 20 OH Walking Lunge Steps w/ plate 45, 35 100m farmer carry DB/KB
Friday 8/24/2018
1) Back Squat 5×3@85% 2) alternate movements; 4 sets. 10 strict pull ups 10 each arm- half kneeling single arm DB press 20 russian twists
Thursday 8/23/2018
snatch 3×2@80-85% clean and jerk 2×3@ 80-85% front squat 2×3@85%
Wednesday 8/22/2018
AMRAP 6 5 Power Clean 155, 108 7 Handstand Push Ups Rest 1 minute AMRAP 6 10 Deadlifts 155, 108 12 Push ups Rest 1... Read More