Tuesday 7/16/2019
5 Rounds for Time 4 Rope Climbs 15 Front Squats (115/80) 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Monday 7/15/2019
15 minutes to build to max: Snatch+Hang Snatch+Touch and go Snatch 15 minutes to build to max: Clean+Front Squat+ 2 Jerks
Saturday 7/13/2019
AMRAP 20 200m Run 3 Power Cleans (205/143) 4 Handstand Push Ups
Friday 7/12/2019
EMOM 8 2 Hang Snatch. For time. Cap 7 21-15-9 Chest to bar pull ups Power Snatch 75, 55
Thursday 7/11/2019
1. RDL 8-8-8-8 2. 6x200m Run. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Wednesday 7/10/2019
1. Strict Press 12-12-12 2. Back Squat 3×6 @ 70% + 0-10# 3. Front rack lunge 6-6-6-6-6 (3 each leg) 4. 60 Weighted sit ups... Read More
Tuesday 7/9/2019
1. Build to heavy 3 rep power clean 2. For Time 12-9-6-3 Power Clean 185, 125 24-18-12-6 Toes to Bar
Monday 7/8/2019
For Time 100 cals Bike 800m Run 100 wall balls 20, 14
Saturday 7/7/2019
AMRAP 20. With a partner. 200m Run 30 Burpees 400m Run 30 Pull Ups 200m Run 30 Deadlifts 225, 155 *runs together. Partition reps evenly.
Friday 7/5/2019
Open Gym 8am to 11am only! 5 Rounds. Rest 3 minutes between sets 750m row at 2k pace