Wednesday 4/24/2019
For Time 800m Run 20 Power Clean & Jerk 135, 95 400m Run 10 Power Clean & Jerk 185, 125 200m Run 5 Power Clean... Read More
Tuesday 4/23/2019
1) Snatch Deadlift 5-5-5-5 2) For Time. Cap 6 500/400m Row 40 Alt. DB Snatch 50, 35 30 Toes to Bar
Monday 4/22/2019
Back Squat 3×6@ 75% Front Squat 3×6@ 70% Bench Press 3×6@75% Seated alternating KB shoulder presses 4×12. *2 KB, 6 each side.
Saturday 4/20/2019
For Time 50 Burpees 75 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 100 Walking Lunges 60 Shoulder to Overhead 105, 73 50 Burpees
Friday 4/19/2019
5 Rounds for Time 10 Power Cleans 135, 95 15 Wall Balls 20, 14 20 Pull Ups
Thursday 4/18/2019
1) Deadlift 10 rep max 2) Bench Press 3×10 @ 60% 3) DB Bench Press 5-5-8-10
Wednesday 4/17/2019
2 Mile Run For Time
Tuesday 4/16/2019
1) Standing Single Arm DB Press 4×12 each arm AHAP 2) AMRAP 15 400m Run 2 Rounds 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 Push Ups
Monday 4/15/2019
1)10 Minutes Buid to max of Power Clean + 5 Push Press 2)Back Squat 3×10@60% 3)Skater Squats 4×15 each leg
Saturday 4/13/2019
With a Partner AMRAP 20 200m Run with DB 40 DB GTO 30 Synchronized Abmat Sit Ups