Tuesday 3/31/2014
***This weekend April 5-6 there will be no class or open gym held at the box while we host the CF Endurance seminar.
***Next weekend April 12th we have our throwdown!! Sign up page is located on the white board at the gym. GET REGISTERED this week! Please fill out all the information if you have to scale anything. Plan to work within your capabilities but use this as an opportunity to push yourself. Also please post to the event page about if you are going. Anyone that cannot compete for any reason we are also looking for a few dedicated volunteers for the day.
I am also opening this up as we did last time to anyone that wishes to bring food/drinks for post throwdown. Everyone is welcome to hang out until….. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Any questions feel free to ask.
Push Press 3×5 @ 80%1RM, 3-3-1-1
12 Wall Ball (20, 14)
2 Rope Climb
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