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Thursday 3/26/2015


Thursday 3/26/2015

***Reminder that we have the 15.5 cookout this Saturday.  Heats will start around 10:30am and go as long as we need.  There will still be class at 8:30am for anyone that needs to be in and out of here early. 
If you have not signed up on the white board DO IT NOW!.  We will be purchasing some meat for the grill but any other food to bring in is welcome as well.  Looking forward to a fun day!
We will be having Goat Day on Friday but anyone that needs/or wants to do 15.5 is able to do that in class as well.
1) 5 Minutes On the Minute.
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 1 Hang Snatch
~weight should be LOW. high focus on speed, turnover & bottom position
2) 5 Sets @ 70% 1RM Snatch
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch 
3) 1-1-1-1-1
Power Snatch