Thursday 2/13/2014
—-No Evening Classes Tonight. Get home safe–
Again reminder that Saturday we will be doing a special WOD in honor of Kevin Ogar. Class will be at regular time at 8:30am. After class wraps up we will recap the Paleo Challenge and announce winners. Any paleo food/treats you wish to bring please do so and everyone is welcome to hang out at the box.
There is now a card and a donation box set up in front of the WOD board. Please sign the card and leave a message for Kevin. I would like to be able to send in as much money as we can to help him out so anything you can give would be greatly appreciated.
**Snow** IF there becomes any necessity to cancel class there will be a posting on facebook AND the website so please check if you are unsure. If you do not see anything posted then assume class is on as scheduled.
2 Rounds for Time
20 Toes to Bar
15 Hang Power Snatch (115, 80)
Rest 3 Minutes
For Time
30 Toes to Bar
75 Kettlebell Swing (53, 35)
~post results to comments.