Thursday 1/2/2014
Reminder about our Paleo Challenge that is coming up!! Challenge starts Monday January 6th. EVERYONE should be getting in on this, if you have an excuse why not I would love to hear it. Registration is $20 a person and winners will take the pot! Assuming the world doesn’t end from snow please make an effort to get your butts to class on Saturday and we will explain the breakdown, rules etc for the challenge at 9:30 after class. Looking forward to seeing great results like last year!!
SNOW–check back to the website and or facebook for any class cancellations if it becomes necessary.
8 Steps Overhead Barbell Lunge (65, 45)
20 Lateral Bar Hops
8 Push Press (65, 45)
Front Squat 5×3 3 second pause at bottom (partner counting discretion)
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