Saturday 11/14/2015
For Time
21 Thrusters
520m Run
21 Pull Up
21 Overhead Squats
21 Pull Up
520m Run
21 Thrusters
Men: 95 Women: 65
This is a screen shot taken from our member forum and I couldn’t agree more with that statement. The weights and PRs don’t make the community; the people are what make CFM so great. Ram is a hell of guy, (who doesn’t even have Facebook) he started like most of us as a hot mess. He worked his ass off for nearly two years with us and I could not be more proud of his progress mentally and physically. One of the last things he said to me in the gym was “thank you for everything, you gave me my confidence” PS the fact the cake has a camel on it shows how “special” the people at 5:30am class are! haha