Call Us: (978) 985-8941

Saturday 11/30/2019


Saturday 11/30/2019

CFM Christmas Party!

Make sure you pick out a name for this years secret Santa at the gym! There is a $15 max.

Party: Sat Dec 7th any time after 6:30pm upstairs at The Old Court in downtown Lowell.  Everyone and significant others are welcome to attend!

CFM Giving Tree: we still have tags left out on the white board that are available to anyone willing to participate in help us donate some gifts to the kids at St. Ann’s. Please return your gift by Dec 11 unwrapped and with the tag attached. Thank you!

AMRAP 20.  Partner WOD

200m Run Together

30 Deadlifts

200m Run

20 Power Clean and Jerks

200m Run

10 Power Snatches

M: 155  W: 105