Monday 12/31/2012
AMRAP 30 minutes
5 deadlifts (275, 185)
13 pushups
9 box jumps (24, 20)
~scale as needed. post results to comments.
****ONLY class today at 9AM****
We will close out 2012 with some purpose. Today’s workout is dedicated to the loving memory of Kathy Sargent (Meg’s mom) who lost her battle to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) on September 12, 2011 and Corporal Ryan McGee, 21, for whom the wod is named that was killed in action May 13, 2009 in Iraq.
Kathy always had a positive outlook in life and gave her all to every challenge she faced. We are all proud to have Meg with us and proud of all the progress she has made at CFM.