Friday 10/6/2023
AMRAP 8 8 Power Snatches 95/65 8 Lateral Bar Burpees Then directly into: 8 Minutes to build to heavy Power Snatch
Thursday 10/5/2023
1) Strict Press 5-5-3-3-3 2) Bench Press 5-5-3-3-3 3) DB Bench Press 8-8-8-8
Wednesday 10/4/2023
6 Rounds for Time 20 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 20 DB GTO 50/35 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
Tuesday 10/3/2023
1)Back Squat 3×2@92% 2)”Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Abmat Sit ups
Monday 10/2/2023
AMRAP 18 200m Run 4 Wall Walks 2 Rope Climbs
Saturday 9/30/2023
6 Rounds for Time 5 Hang Power Clean and Jerks 135/95 8 Lateral Bar Burpees 10 Toes to Bar
Friday 9/29/2023
1)Emom 8 Snatch Pull + Hang Power snatch + Power Snatch Emom 8 2 Power Snatch 2)Build to Heavy Power Snatch
Thursday 9/28/2023
For time 30 Cals Bike 75 Burpees
Wednesday 9/27/2023
5 Rounds for Time 400m Run 15 Strict Pull Ups
Tuesday 9/26/2023
1) Hip Thruster 3×15 2) Back Squat 3×2@90% 1×2@92% 3) Bulgarian Split Squats 3×15 each leg