Saturday 6/23/2018
AMRAP 10, rest 5 AMRAP 10 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20, 14 10 Burpees
Friday 6/22/2018
1 mile run for time rest 10 minutes 1 mile run for time *score each run
Thursday 6/21/2018
1) behind neck snatch grip push press 6-6-6 2) build to max Snatch + 2 OHS 3) build to max 3 rep hang clean
Wednesday 6/20/2018
4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 12 Handstand Push Ups 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Tuesday 6/19/2018
1) Front Squat 4×3@80% 2) AMRAP 10 14 KB Front Rack walking lunge steps 53, 35 14 Push Ups
Monday 6/18/2018
1) Deadlift 3×5@ 75% 2) RDL 3×12 3) DB rows 3×8 each arm 4) Weighted Pull ups 3×10
Saturday 6/16/2018
T.U.P. 15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of: Power cleans 135, 95 Pull-ups Front squats 135, 95 Pull-ups U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael H. Simpson, 30, of... Read More
Friday 6/15/2018
1) Build to Max in 12 minutes Clean + Hang Clean + Clean rest & reset 5 minutes 2) Build to Max in 12 minutes... Read More
Thursday 6/14/2018
For Time Row 1,000m Run 2 miles
Wednesday 6/13/2018
10 Rounds for Time 7 Burpees 8 DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35 9 Knees to Elbow