Thursday 7/5/2018
EMOM 10 Power Snatch +OHS +Hang pwr Snatch + OHS Alternate Sets Strict Pull Ups 5×10 DB T push ups 5×12
Wednesday 7/4/2018
No Class Today Happy 4th of July!
Tuesday 7/3/2018
Regular schedule today. July 4th no classes. “Rene” 7 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 Walking Lunges 15 Pull Ups 9 Burpees
Monday 7/2/2018
No classes July 4th. Regular schedule rest of the week. Build to Max 3 Back Squats + 2 Jerks Back Squat 3×4 add 0-10# to... Read More
Saturday 6/30/2018
Reminder that today is the annual CFM cookout!! come any time after 12:30 at our house. 312 Beacon Street in lowell. Regular class at 8:30... Read More
Friday 6/29/2018
1) Build to 2 rep max clean and jerk 2) Back Squat 3×6 @70%
Thursday 6/28/2018
Bench Press 4×2@85% Front Squat 3×5@ 75% 40 Strict Pull Ups.
Wednesday 6/27/2018
5 Rounds for time 400m Run 10 Ground to Overhead 135, 95 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Tuesday 6/26/2018
Alternate sets Deadlift 3×4 @ 80% <no mix grip> kb/db Split Squat 3×15 each leg For time 50-40-30-20 Air Squat 30-20-10-5 Toes to Bar
Monday 6/25/2018
Build to max for the day snatch + hang snatch + TnG snatch Back Squat 3×4@85%