Tuesday 8/21/2018
7 Rounds for Time 100m Run 10 Burpees 100m Run 10 Knees to Elbow
Monday 8/20/2018
1) 10 minutes: Build to max 3 rep clean thruster 2) Back Squat 3×3 @ 85% + 0-10# 3) Back Squat AMRAP 1 x 65%... Read More
Saturday 8/18/2018
AMRAP 21 15 Air Squats 9 Power Cleans 135, 95 6 Chest to Bar Pull ups
Friday 8/17/2018
1) Back Squat 3×6 add 0-10# from last set 2) For Time 1k Row 1 mile Run
Thursday 8/16/2018
Run 4x800m; rest 3 minutes between efforts
Wednesday 8/14/2018
1) Bench Press 3×3 @ 80% 2) Close grip bench press 2 x 6 to 12 reps 3) Deadlift build to heavy 3 rep for... Read More
Tuesday 8/14/2018
1) Front Squat 3×5 @ 75% 2) For Time 1,500m/1,300m Row 100 hand release push ups 50 DB GTO 50, 35
Monday 8/13/2018
1) Build to max in 12 minutes Power Clean + 4 Push Press 2) Back Squat 3×3@85% 3) Split Squats 3×20 each leg. Use DB... Read More
Saturday 8/11/2018
AMRAP 20 10 Handstand push ups 20 walking lunges 30 sit ups
Friday 8/10/2018
1) 2k Row for Time 2) Back Squat 3×6 @ 75% +0-10 lbs.