Friday 11/9/2018
1) Single Leg RDL weighted each hand (kb or db) 2×15 each leg 2) Back Squat 3×4@80% 3) Narrow stance Back Squat 2 x 10... Read More
Thursday 11/8/2018
3x800m Run. Rest 2 minutes between sets 5x200m Run. Rest 1 minute between sets
Wednesday 11/7/2018
15 minute Up Ladder 3-6-9-12… Power cleans 135, 95 Chest to bar Pull Ups
Tuesday 11/6/2018
Schedule Update. there will be no 9am or noon class tomorrow Nov 6. the coaching staff will all be in attendance for the services of... Read More
Monday 11/5/2018
1) Build to max 3 Power Cleans + 1 Push Press 2) Back Squat 3×5 @75%
Saturday 11/3/2018
3 Rounds for Time 15 Clean and Jerks (135,95) 18 Front Squats 21 Pull Ups
Friday 11/2/2018
Build to 4 rep max Back Squat AMRAP 7 7 Deadlifts (225, 155) 12 Lateral Burpees
Thursday 1/1/2018
EMOM 20 Min. 1: 7-10 Toes to Bar Min. 2: 30 seconds max double unders
Wednesday 10/31/2018
Lets see those costumes today! Halloween WOD For Time 31 Push Ups 31 Sit Ups 31 Deadlifts 31 Shoulder to Overhead 400m Run 31 Back... Read More
Tuesday 10/30/2018
“Jackie” For Time 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters 45# 30 Pull Ups