Friday 2/1/2019
1) Seated (floor) double KB alternating arm strict press 3×12 (6 each side) 2) Strict press 3×5 @65-70% 3) Back Squat 4×3 @ 85%
Thursday 1/31/2019
Daily challenge bonus for Thursday……. come to do class and find out class wod. 6k row with partner
Wednesday 1/30/2019
1) Build to 3 rep hang power clean max 2) AMRAP 10 6 Hang Power Clean 115, 80 8 Deadlift 10 Push Ups
Tuesday 1/29/2019
1) Deadlift 5×3@85% 2) 100 Strict Pull Ups
Monday 1/28/2019
Bonus wod for week 3. Weightlifting Total Build to 1 rep max snatch Build to 1 rep max clean and jerk Class. For Time 60... Read More
Saturday 1/26/2019
AMRAP 20 400m Run together 10 Pull ups 10 Deadlift + Power clean & jerk 155, 105
Friday 1/25/2019
Daily bonus challenge Friday only extra 2 points: 1 mile run 1) DB Row 5×8 each arm 2) NFT. 70 abmat situps 30 V sit... Read More
Thursday 1/24/2019
1) Half kneeling single arm kb/db press 4×12 each arm 2) Bench Press 4×3@ 85% 3) Close grip bench press 2×10
Wednesday 1/23/2019
For Time 21-15-9 Assault Bike cals Push Press 115, 80 21-15-9 Burpees Front Squats 115, 80
Tuesday 1/22/2019
For Time 35-25-15 Wall Balls 20, 14 Kettlebell Swings 70, 53 Pull Ups