Monday 5/6/2019
1) Deadlift build to 8 rep max 2) Back Squat 3×5 @ 80% 3) DB Backwards Lunges 4×12 each leg
Saturday 5/4/2019
For Time Teams of 2 1 mile run together 70 Deadlifts 135, 95 70 Shoulder to Overhead 70 Pull Ups 800m run together 70 Burpees
Friday 5/3/2019
1) EMOM 10 2 Clean & Jerks 2) Back Squat 3×6 @ 75% + 0-10#
Thursday 5/2/2019
1. Seated Alternating KB/DB Strict Press 4×16 (8 each arm) 2. Box Step Ups. 20 each leg. Split as needed. **Zero push off from opposite... Read More
Wednesday 5/1/2019
For Time 1 mile run 20 Box jump overs 30, 24 5 rope climbs 800m Run 15 Box jump overs 4 rope climbs 400m run... Read More
Tuesday 4/30/219
1)Build to max 3 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 2)AMRAP 8 10 Burpees 12 Wall Balls 20/14
Monday 4/29/2019
Build to max: Power Clean + 5 Push Press Back Squat 3×8 @ 70% 30 Chin Ups. Weighted if possible
Saturday 4/27/2019
Reminder there will be NO class or open gym this Saturday. We will be meeting at 8:30am Saturday for the trail run along the Merrimack.... Read More
Friday 4/26/2019
****Reminder there will be NO class or open gym this Saturday. We will be meeting at 8:30am Saturday for the trail run along the Merrimack.... Read More
Thursday 4/25/2019
Back squat 3×10 + 0-10 from last time at 10 reps Bulgarian Split Squats 3×20 each leg Single Leg RDL 3×15 each leg