Monday 7/29/2019
“Hotshots 19” 6 Rounds for Time 30 Air Squats 19 Power Cleans 135, 95 7 Strict Pull Ups 400m Run
Saturday 7/27/2019
teams of 2 For Time 1200m row 800m Run with bumper 45, 35 100 walking lunges with plate 100 burpees to plate
Friday 7/26/2019
On a continuous clock: 1) Up Ladder 12 minutes. Increase power cleans by 3 reps each round 3 Power Cleans 135, 95 200m Run 2)... Read More
Thursday 7/25/2019
Bench press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
Wednesday 7/24/2019
5 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 Wall Balls 20, 14 15 Pull Ups
Tuesday 7/23/2019
1) Deadlift 2-2-2-2 2) AMRAP 7 12 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50, 35 25 Double Unders
Monday 7/22/2019
1) Build to Max for day Power Clean + 5 Push Press 2) Back Squat 3×6 + 0-10#
Saturday 7/20/2019
7 Rounds 20 Push ups 30 Double Unders then… 20 Ground to Overhead 135/95
Friday 7/19/2019
Build to 3 RM Split Jerk Back Squat 3×4 @ 80%
Thursday 7/18/2019
Bench Press 3-3-3-3 For Time 400m Run 40 Pullups 400m Run