Wednesday 11/13/13
5 Rounds
AMRAP 3 Minutes, Rest 1 minute between rounds
3 Deadlift (155, 105)
5 Power Clean (155, 105)
7 Toes to Bar
~post results to comments.
Couple of event reminders, Please click the attached links to let us know if you will be attending or not so that we can plan accordingly:
Indoor Group Rock Climbing Outing Saturday November 23rd at Vertical Dreams in Nashua, NH . We have reserved space from 11am-2pm. Children, spouses, and significant others welcomed and encouraged to join.
Facebook RSVP for Indoor Rock Climbing
CFM Christmas Party Saturday 6pm December 14th at Finn’s Pub in Lowell. We have reserved space as we did last year and any food you plan to bring please let others know. We are also planning on a Yankee Swap ($15 cap) at the party. Family/Spouses all encouraged to attend as well. Looking forward to seeing some fine suits!
Facebook RSVP for CFM Christmas Party