Saturday 9.15.2012
15 Ball Slams (24, 20)
12 Box Jumps
10 Abmat Sit Ups
200m Run (M: 45# plate W: 25# plate)
*Teammate must finish movement ahead of you in order to move forward. You may pass each other on the run. If you find yourself waiting for teammate to move onto the next element you can gain extra points for your team by completing as many pushups as possible. Every 100 push ups counts toward extra round.
Team workouts are an awesome way to build friendships and the overall community at the box. A team will always be stronger than any individual. Help each other keep going, encourage your fellow athletes to push themselves beyond their limits and they will do the same for you. In the end you will find yourself giving more for the sake of the team than yourself. This is the heart of CrossFit.
~post results to comments.
*******Anyone wishing to stay after class for “open gym” time to work on any goats (ie stuff you’re struggling with) feel free.
*******SPECIAL NOTE: many of you have offered to lend a hand with things down at the box well tomorrow is your opportunity! I will be at the space at 1pm. We need to remove a layer of dirt from the parking lot where the trench was cut to be able to redo the hot top. Also the cement and any remaining rocks from the trench need to be moved out of the space, and area cleaned up.
Anyone is welcome. I know a lot of you are dying to see the space anyways so even if you want to just come down and check out the box feel free. Shovels, Brooms and Strong Backs for WOD 2 of the day 🙂

The Box Jump is an EXPLOSIVE extension of the hip. Heard this before?? Complete the movement by opening the hip above the box.