Saturday 8/31/2013
I hope any and all of you can come in for the workout today . Participating in a hero wod is more than you just getting a good sweat in, it honors what they did, who they were and the sacrifice they made. We know that we can push harder through it because the 30-40 minutes we spend doing it pales in comparison to the alternative.
As you have all seen by now there is a donation setup in the middle of the gym. Doing the wod in their honor is an amazing thing but we have the opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of those affected. 100% of the money collected will find its way into the hands of the families that these men are no longer here to provide for.
Please take a moment to watch this video and realize why we are doing this workout today. The world around us I know seems chaotic and overwhelming. We all have bills to pay, deadlines to keep, the list of tasks sometimes seems endless. Realize though that you are still here, moving, breathing, working out, LIVING.
99% of those that died were 30 and under. Young fathers and husbands that sacrificed and are now not here doing any of the things that are stressing us out. The big picture is it is a gift to be here to be stressed out.
’19 Hotshots Hero WOD’
6 Rounds for Time
30 Air Squat
19 Power Clean (135, 95)
7 Strict Pullup
400m Run