Saturday 11/11/2017
The CrossFit community at large has always made a point to honor the men and women of our Armed Services and CFM has been no different. We have all spent time grinding through workouts like Murph, DT, Hollyman and numerous others. Veterans Day is a special day to again call attention to those who serve and have served. We take special note of those among us that continued that tradition and to those CFM members we express our gratitude.
Today’s hero wod is exactly that. Joseph R. Ouellette is a local hero from Lowell that many of you may not even know and it is my mission that you leave here today with a new understanding and respect for him and what he did. Although many years have passed since the Korean War, his actions still jump off the page every time I read the story. This is a workout I created in 2014 to honor Pfc. Ouellette and become our Veteran’s Day tradition.
Pfc. Ouellette distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy in the Makioug-Chang
River salient. When an enemy assault cut off and surrounded his unit he voluntarily made a reconnaissance of a nearby hill under intense enemy fire to locate friendly troop positions and obtain information of the enemy’s strength and location. Finding that friendly troops were not on the hill, he worked his way back to his unit under heavy fire. Later, when an airdrop of water was made outside the perimeter, he again braved enemy fire in an attempt to retrieve water for his unit. Finding the dropped cans broken and devoid of water, he returned to his unit. His heroic attempt greatly increased his comrades’ morale. When ammunition and grenades ran low, Pfc. Ouellette again slipped out of the perimeter to collect these from the enemy dead. After collecting grenades he was attacked by an enemy soldier. He killed this enemy in hand-to-hand combat,
gathered up the ammunition, and returned to his unit. When the enemy attacked on 3 September, they assaulted his position with grenades. On 6 occasions Pfc. Ouellette leaped from his foxhole to escape exploding grenades. In doing so, he had to face enemy small-arms fire. He continued his resistance, despite a severe wound, until he lost his life. The extraordinary heroism and intrepidity displayed by Pfc. Ouellette reflect the highest credit on himself and are in keeping with the esteemed traditions of the military service. Events from August 31, to September 3, 1950
One of our symbols for CFM has always been the Ouellette Bridge and now you know why. So next time you find yourself traveling
across the bridge you can share the story with someone.
6 Rounds for Time
400m Run with med ball (20, 14)
10 Front Rack Lunge alternating sides (135, 95)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20)