Monday 9/14/2015
Well what can you say about this weekend! I can’t express enough how awesome you all are that make up our community at CFM. This past Saturday was outstanding and exceeded all expectations on both the money we raised and the vibe in the gym.
When we started holding this event 3 years ago we raised $650; this year we will be handing off the Lowell Jr High Football League a check for $1,200. For a league run entirely off donations this is a very big deal.
Beyond the money we raised was the spirit in the building. It needs to be experienced to understand the level of support and enthusiasm there is for everyone involved. Just another example of why joining CFM is about so much more than getting in shape.
Thank you to everyone who competed, thank you to all our volunteers and organizers, thank you to the 30+ kids from Lowell Jr. High Football that also competed! Until next year…
1) Build to heavy set Pause at knee Power Clean + Jerk
2) Front Squat
1×5 @ 80%
3×2 @ 85%
2×1 @ 90%