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Monday 6/3/2019


Monday 6/3/2019

Great job to all of you that hit our 15,000m rowing goal for last month! If you did not already see we will be adding in running for this months goal. Our specific focus will be to build your mile time. Coach Anna put together some extra work to be done over this month and you can do it at the gym or on your own time at home. You will have to stay on top of things though and be sure to get your runs done each week. It’s only 3 days, you can do it! Any questions just ask.

Week 1 – Day 1: (8 x 200m w/ 1 min rest btwn), Day 2: 1 mile easy, Day 3: 2 miles easy.
Week 2 – Day 1: (5 x 400m w/ 2 min rest btwn), Day 2: 1 mile moderate, Day 3: 2 miles easy.
Week 3 – Day 1: (3 x 800m w/ 3 min rest btwn), Day 2: 1 mile easy, Day 3: 2 miles moderate.
Week 4 – Day 1: (1200m, rest 4 min, 800m, rest 3 min, 400m), Day 2: 1 mile moderate, Day 3: 2 miles easy.

End of June WOD = 1 Mile Run for Time!

Class WOD.

Build to Max

Power Clean + Push Press

Build to Max

Front Squat