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Monday 2/23/2015


Monday 2/23/2015

1) Back Squat 3×10 @ 73%
2) AMRAP 8
3 Hang Power Clean  185, 125
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
3 Handstand Push Ups
It’s that time of year again. The CrossFit Games Worldwide Open is here. YES it starts this week. YES the entire gym will be doing the wods regardless each week. YES you should sign up.
There really isn’t a good excuse to come up with so save it. Get all the BS out of your head about your not ready, next year, I’m not good enough etc etc. This is your chance to overcome those fears not give in to them. Don’t kid yourself: how you act in the gym is how you act outside the gym. Kick up the confidence, step outside the comfort zone, be part of the team and help support it.
Don’t think that because you wont have the best score you’re not helping the team. What helps the team is attitude, it’s you walking in and giving everything you have in your ability to give. Hard work inspires others to give their best. There is no scaling effort so bring it    <—-Sign Up. MAKE SURE YOU JOIN CROSSFIT MERRIMACK