Monday 11/23/2020
Hey guys!So to update everyone; we will be heading back to class at the gym Monday morning. Everything up to this point has been well contained so thank you all for working with us to make that happen. The gym is clean and ready for some use!
As has been the case if you or anyone in your immediate family is experiencing any symptoms please do not come to the gym and inform me if you had been in recently. Please remember to wear masks, wash your hands and equipment and just keep up with doing the great job you have been. I hate closing the doors and not seeing everyone but happy this was a quick turnaround.
Thanksgiving week schedule
Monday through Wednesday regular schedule.
Thursday (assuming the weather cooperates) will be a 5k run from the gym. One class at 8am (no limit) and will be all outside. I know we normally do Murph but given the gym set up this is just not possible but we can still get in for a good workout before eating some rather questionable desserts haha.
Friday class at 9am and 5:30pm only.
Saturday regular schedule.See you soon!
Monday WOD
10 Rounds for Time
10 Deadlifts 135, 95
14 Push Ups