Saturday 5/19/2018
AMRAP 30 400m Run 10 Burpees 400m Run 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Friday 5/18/2018
1) Press 3×5@ 65% 2) Deadlift 3×3@ 75% 3) Back Squat 3×4@ 85%
Thursday 5/17/2018
1) Clean and Jerk 2×2@ 75-80% 2×3@80-85% 2) Bench Press 3×2@90% 3) Strict Ring Dips 30 reps
Wednesday 5/16/2018
For Time 1 Mile Run 75 Pull Ups 1 Mile Run
Tuesday 5/15/2018
AMRAP 15 75 Double Unders 15 Toes to bar 10 kettlebell swings 70, 53
Monday 5/14/2018
1) Back Squats 3×4 + 0-10# from last time at rep scheme 2) Skater Squats 4×15 each leg 3) Single Leg RDL with KBs 4×12... Read More
Saturday 5/12/2018
Parnter WOD 1,500m Row then 5 Rounds 200m run together 6 Rope climbs then 5 Rounds 2oom run together 20 alternating burpees
Friday 5/11/2018
1) Romanian Deadlift 2×15 heavy but maintain quality reps 2) Back Squat 3×4 + 0-10# from last set at rep scheme 3) Weighted Pull Ups... Read More
Thursday 5/10/2018
1) Bench press 3×3 +0-10# from last week 2) Close grip bench press 8-10-12 3) AMRAP 10 Bike max cals
Wednesday 5/9/2018
1) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 30 Walking lunge steps with DB overhead 50, 35 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 2) Front Squats ... Read More