Thursday 9/13/2018
Deadlift 10 Rep Max
Wednesday 9/12/2018
AMRAP 7 8 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Thrusters 95/65 Then 6 minutes to Build to Max Clean + 2 Jerks
Tuesday 9/11/2018
9/11 Memorial WOD For Time Row 2001 meters then 11 reps of the following: Box jumps 30/24 Thrusters 125/85 Burpee chest to bar pull ups... Read More
Monday 9/10/2018
12 minutes to build to a max for day 1 power clean + 8 push press Back squat 3 x 6 @ 70%
Saturday 9/8/2018
5 Rounds for Time 400m Run 15 Deadlifts (185, 130) 25 walking lunges
Saturday 9/7/2018
Build to max Back Squat Build to max Deadlift
Thursday 9/6/2018
AMRAP 7 250m Row 8 KBS 70, 53 8 Latteral Burpees over rower Then 6 Minutes to build to max Power Clean + 2 Hang... Read More
Wednesday 9/5/2018
Every 4 minutes for 8 rounds Run 400m
Tuesday 9/4/2018
Back Squat 4×2@ 80% Deadlift 4×2@75% Romanian Deadlift 2×15
Monday 9/3/2018
Labor Day Schedule 9am class only ‘Del’ Fort Time 25 Burpees 400m Run with med ball 20, 14 25 weighted pull ups 20# 400m Run... Read More