Friday 10/5/2018
* Reminder that this Saturday CFM will be closed as we will be heading to CF Woburn for our annual Barbells for Boobs event. Those... Read More
Thursday 10/4/2018
Alternate sets DB Bench Press 3×10 DB Flys 3×15 Close hand push ups 3×20 Build to max of: 5 deadlifts + 5 power cleans +... Read More
Wednesday 10/3/2018
AMRAP 25 800m Run rest 2 minutes between sets
Tuesday 10/2/2018
In 9 minutes: 1,000m Row With remaining time AMRAP 10 Wall Balls 20, 14 8 Pull Ups 2) Back Squat 3×6@ 70%
Monday 10/1/2018
For Time 50 DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35 then 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Abmat Sit Ups then 50 DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35
Saturday 9/29/2018
Today is the big day!! Schedule for the day No regular class or open gym today. Doors will be open at 8:45am. Workout briefing and... Read More
Friday 9/28/2018
Looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday for our annual fundraiser for the Lowell Junior High Football team! We have been doing this throwdown for... Read More
Thursday 9/27/2018
EMOM 30 minute 1: 2-4 muscle ups minute 2: 10-30 double unders minute 3: 2-6 handstand push ups *focus on form and timing so adjust... Read More
Wednesday 9/27/2018
7 Rounds. rest ~90 seconds between rounds 400m Row 200m Run
Tuesday 9/25/2018
1) Build to a heavy 3 rep snatch balance for day 2) AMRAP 12 8 Knees to Elbow 3 Power Snatches 155, 105 8 Pull... Read More