Wednesday 10/17/18
In 8:00 minutes.. increasing reps by 3 3 Hang power clean & jerk 95, 65 3 bar facing burpee -then 6 minutes to build to... Read More
Tuesday 10/16/2018
1) Back Squat 3×6 + 0-10# 2) AMRAP 12 200m Run 14 walking lunges 10 V sit ups
Monday 10/15/2018
Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3-1-1
Saturday 10/13/2018
AMRAP 20 400m Run 12 Burpees 15 Power Cleans (95,65)
Friday 10/12/2018
3 Rounds for Time (7 min cap) 200m Run 20 Barbell Thrusters (45,35) 30 Double Unders Back Squat 3×4 @ 80% + 0-10 #
Thursday 10/11/2018
For Time 21-15-9 Handstand push ups Toes to Bar Deadlift 225, 155
Wednesday 10/10/2018
1) Push Jerk 2-2-2-2 2) Bike 3×5 minutes max cals. rest 1:1
Tuesday 10/9/2018
3 Rounds for time 800m Run 25 KBS 53, 35 10 Bar Muscle Ups
Monday 10/8/2018
1) Back Squat 3×6 + 0-10# from last Tuesday 2) DB Backwards Lunge 3×12 each leg 3) Single Leg RDL with DB/KB 4×12 each leg
Saturday 10/6/2018
Barbells for Boobs at CrossFit Woburn is today! Josh Aslanian will be the big cheese in charge for CFM tomorrow so if you have any... Read More