Monday 2/10/2020
1)Back squat 3×5@ 80% 2)Front Squat tempo-30X2 2-2-2-2-2-2 3)10 Supermans between each front squat with a 3 second hold
Saturday 2/8/2020
4 Rounds for Time. With a partner 50 Deadlifts 40 Lateral Bar Burpees 30 Push Press 20 Front Squats Men: 135 Women: 95
Friday 2/7/2020
1) Back Squat 3×6 @ 75% 2) AMRAP 14 1 Ground to Overhead 225, 155 6 Box Jump Overs 30, 24 2 Rope Climbs
Thursday 2/6/2020
1) Single Leg RDL with Barbell 4×8 each leg 2) Hip Thrusters 8-8-8-8 3) Deadlift. Pause 2 seconds at bottom of knee. Build to heavy... Read More
Wednesday 2/5/2020
For Time. 25-20-15 Bike Cals Kettlebell Swings 70, 53 Alternate Sets of: Hanging Bicycles 4×10 each side Med Ball Circles 4×10 each side
Tuesday 2/4/2020
10 Rounds for Time 200m Run 15 Wall Balls 20, 14 10 Pull Ups
Monday 2/3/2020
1) AMRAP 12 14 DB Ground to Overhead 50, 35 12 Box Step Ups with DB 24, 20 10 Burpees 2) Bench Press 5-5-5-3-3-3
Saturday 2/1/2020
Partner WOD For Time 800m Run together to start each 3 Round set. 3 rounds of: 20 Overhead Squats 95, 65 20 Toes to Bar... Read More
Friday 1/31/2020
1) EMOM 8 Power Clean + Shoulder to Overhead + 3 Back Squats + Shoulder to Overhead 2) Build to Heavy 1RM Back Squat
Thursday 1/30/2020
1) Split Jerk 2-2-2-2 2) Death by 10 meters Minute 1: run 10m Minute 2: run 20m…etc