Saturday 3/14/2020
AMRAP 20 15 Wall Balls 20, 14 10 Burpees 200m Run
Friday 3/13/2020
AMRAP 14 9 Pull Ups 7 Push Jerks 135, 95 5 Box Jumps 30, 24
Thursday 3/12/2020
1) EMOM 10 Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 2) Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2
Wednesday 3/11/2020
6 Rounds For Time 25 Double Unders 15 Kettelbell Swing 53, 35 10 Toes to Bar
Tuesday 3/10/2020
DB Row 6-6-6-6 each arm For Time 1,000m Row 100 Walking Lunge Steps 100 Push Press 45, 35 100 Sit Ups
Monday 3/9/2020
1) Back Squat. Build to heavy 2 rep max in 15 minutes 2) 4x400m Run. Rest 2 minutes between runs
Saturday 3/7/2020
For Time 800m Run 40 Toes to Bar 30 Power Snatches 95, 65 800m Run 40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 30 Power Snatches
Friday 3/6/2020
2 Rounds. AMRAP 4 Max Cals Bike Rest 4 AMRAP 4 Max Cals Row Rest 4
Thursday 3/5/2020
7 Rounds for time. 200m Run 10 alternating pistols 5 Ground to Overhead 185, 125
Wednesday 3/4/2020
1) Supine Grip Bent Over Rows. 6×8 increasing 2) Up Ladder ARMAP 12 1-2-3-4-5….etc Front Squat 135, 95 Lateral Bar Burpees