Monday 9/28/2020
AMRAP 16 15 KBS 53, 35 12 Burpees 2 Power Cleans 225, 155
Saturday 9/26/2020
For Time 400m Run at top of each round 50-40-30-20-10 DB Hang Power Cleans 50, 35 DB Push Press Lateral DB Hops
Friday 9/25/2020
1) EMOM 8 6-12 Pull Ups 2) EMOM 8 30 seconds max push ups 3) 1 mile run for time
Thursday 9/24/2020
1) EMOM 10 Hang Clean + Split Jerk + Clean + Split Jerk 2) Build to heavy Clean & Split Jerk
Wednesday 9/23/2020
AMRAP 15 10 Weighted Box Step Overs 50, 35 15 Cals Bike/Rower 16 Plank Knee to Elbow
Tuesday 9/22/2020
1) 30-40 Toes to Bar. Partition as needed 2) Front Rack Lunge (from floor) 14-14-14 *7 each leg. Alternating. 3) 3 Rounds For Time (cap... Read More
Monday 9/21/2020
1) Hamstring Curls 4×12 2) Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3
Saturday 9/18/2020
AMRAP 12. Rest 6. AMRAP 12 400m Run 15 KB Goblet Squats 10 KB Shoulder to OH
Friday 9/18/2020
1) Half Kneeling DB Shoulder Press 8-8-8-8-8 each arm 2) Build to heavy set of: Power Clean & Push Jerk
Thursday 9/17/2020
5 Rounds AMRAP 3; Rest 1 12 Abmat Sit Ups 10 Cals Bike or Rower 8 Push ups