Wednesday 12/30/2020
1) Back Squat 2×4@80 + 0-10#, 2×3@85+0-10# 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15 Kettlebell Swings 10 KB Thrusters 15 Pull Ups
Tuesday 12/29/2020
AMRAP 12 Bike or Row max cals Rest 5 AMRAP 12 Bike or Row max cals
Monday 12/28/2020
1) Strict Press 10-10-6-6-4 2) AMRAP 15 12 KB Push Press 53, 35 12 KB Overhead Lunges 18 Abmat Sit Ups
Thursday 12/24/2020
“12 Days of CrossFit”1 Barbell Roll Out2 Pistols3 Shoulder to Overhead4 Squat Cleans5 Hand Release Push Ups6 V Sit Ups7 Kettlebell Swings8 KB Sumo High... Read More
Wednesday 12/23/2020
Christmas Schedule: 24th class at 8am and 9:15am 25th and 26th closed 15 Minutes Max Cals Bike or Row -Every 3 mintues, (including 0:00) complete... Read More
Tuesday 12/22/2020
1) Back Squat 2×4@80, 2×3@85 2) 60-100 Pull ups. Partition into as few sets as possible 3) 20-30 Barbell Roll Outs
Monday 12/21/2020
Christmas Schedule: 24th class at 8am and 9:15am 25th and 26th closed AMRAP 15 12 DB Hang Power Cleans 50, 35 12 DB Shoulder to... Read More
Saturday 12/19/2020
5 Rounds for Time 14/10 Bike or 20/15 Row 15 Thrusters 95, 65
Friday 12/18/2020
AMRAP 9 5 Deadlift 115, 80 5 Power Clean & Push Jerks 10 Box Jumps 24, 20 Then 6 Minutes to build to max Power... Read More
Thursday 12/17/2020
All classes in the gym cancelled for today. Today’s WOD can be done at home! 6 Rounds AMRAP 2. Rest 1 5 Burpees 10 Squats