Call Us: (978) 985-8941

Thursday 8/27/2015


Thursday 8/27/2015

**Special Announcement**
Saturday September 12th we will be hosting our 3rd In-House Fundraiser Throwdown is support of the Lowell Jr. High Football League.
Come participate and root everyone on while we help raise money to benefit the Lowell Junior High Football League!

Suggested donation is $25 to compete, but please feel free to donate more. Register on the sign up board at the box and pay before the 12th. Money will still be accepted day of, but it will help make the day run smoother.

All WODs will be doable for everyone, and scale as needed. This is an In-House throwdown but If you have fellow crossfitter friends from other boxes, they are welcome to come and compete and hang out too!

Everyone is welcome to stay and hang out afterwards. Bring food and beverages, the grill will be here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out for this event. We will not be having regular class that Saturday so plan to be there!!!

CFM Throwdown Facebook Event Page

5 Rounds for Time
12 Deadlift  135, 95
6 Push Press
200m Run