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Monday 11/25/2019


Monday 11/25/2019

CFM News:

Thanksgiving Schedule:

Wednesday: No 6:15pm class. Rest of day normal schedule.

Thursday: 8am Murph! Only class of day

Friday: 9am and 5:15pm Class only

CFM Christmas Party!

If you wish to participate in this years secret Santa get signed up on the white board in the gym by Thanksgiving.  We will draw names then.  $15 max.

Party: Sat Dec 7th any time after 6:30pm upstairs at The Old Court in downtown Lowell.  Everyone and significant others are welcome to attend!

1) For Time. cap 10


Hang Cleans 95, 65

Box Jumps 24, 20

Pull Ups

2) Front Squat 3-3-2-2