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Monday 11/4/2019


Monday 11/4/2019

Just a reminder guys THIS SATURDAY. we will be having our 2020 Open closeout throwdown/cookout!

We plan to start running heats at 10am. There will be NO class at 8:30am on Saturday. Friday we will be doing Goat day and if you cannot make it Saturday you can do the open wod that day. I’d like to see as many of you out Saturday morning as we can. Hope to see lots of energy in the building that day! If you’re not signed up for the open please still participate. If you have friends from other gyms that want to come down that’s certainly fine as well. There will be a sign up board put up tomorrow to give us an idea on heats.

Once we are finished up with the workout stay and hang out bring some food/adult beverages. I’ll have a bunch of hamburgers and dogs to grill up. So let’s send our 2nd open of the year out with a bang!

You all have kicked ass so far and hope to see that continue.

Open wod 20.4


1) Front Squat 5-5-3-3

2) 5 Rounds for Time

200m Run

10 Burpees