Saturday 1/5/2013
The time is here folks. It’s a new year and time for a new attitude towards your fitness goals. You will never get to where you want to be or where you never thought possible without first getting the all important proper nutrition.
Lets get one thing straight right off the bat… This is not all about weight loss! The transition to a healthy Paleo lifestyle (it’s not a diet) can and will help improve everything from your skin, sleep, mood to your training performance and ultimately body composition.
So for the next 30 days you will fight temptation and old habits and by the end of this I hope you will find as I and many others have that you don’t “NEED” those things in your life any longer.
Paleo = Meat, Fish, Eggs, Veggies, Nuts/Seeds, & Fruit
NOT Paleo = Grains, rices, breads, pastas, beans, soy, sugar, dairy, all processed / refined food.
There are a number of areas this challenge will cover. Winners will be chosen based on an all around improvement in their baseline workout, photos, measurements and daily points.
There will be a $20 buy in. 1 male and 1 female at the end of the 30 days will be named winners and split the pot.
1) Photos, 1 front view 1 side view…. can be done at the box Saturday or at home but must be emailed to [email protected] by Sunday
2) Measurements… neck, chest, waist, hips, thigh, arms
3) Baseline workout… A) Max unbroken pullups (if band is used must use the same band on retest) B) 2 rounds for time of 20 box jumps, 20 burpees, 20 situps, 20 pushups C) Max handstand hold
4) Daily Points…
4= no cheating. perfect paleo all day
3= tiny cheat aka small bite or bad condiment
2= a portion of a meal was non paleo aka piece of bread or 1 glass of alcohol
1= a whole meal that was non paleo like pizza
0= more than a whole non paleo meal
+1 for attending class AT CFM (this DOES NOT mean not taking rest days!!)
+1 for 8 hours of sleep (actual 8 continuous hours)
+1 for drinking 2 liters of water per day
+2 for completing the weekly bonus wod at CFM
**Challenge ends February 5th and February 9th we will have a Paleo Pot Luck Throwdown at the box to conclude the challenge name the winners and have some fun!