Thursday 4/21/2022
1.Front Rack Barbell Lunge 10-10-10-10 2.Back Squat 5555 7×4@ 40-50%
Wednesday 4/20/2022
4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 16 KBS 53/35 10 Handstand
Tuesday 4/19/2022
Lynne 5 Rounds NFT Max reps Bench Press @ bodyweight Max reps strict pull ups
Monday 4/18/2022
For Time 15-12-9-6-3 Front Squats 135/95 Lateral Bar Burpees Toes To Bar
Saturday 4/16/2022
AMRAP 20 with a partner 200m Run together 50 Deadlifts 135/95 200m Run Together 40 Box Jumps 24/20 200m Run Together 30 Power Cleans 200m... Read More
Friday 4/15/2022
10 Rounds For Time 3 Power Snatches 155/105 25 Double Unders
Thursday 4/14/2022
EMOM 30 Min 1: 10 Burpees Min 2: 4 Thrusters 135/95 Min 3: 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Wednesday 4/13/2022
In 10 Minutes 1 Mile Run for time In 6 Minutes 800m Run for time In 4 Minutes 400m Run for time In 2 Minutes... Read More
Tuesday 4/12/2022
1.Front Squat 7×3@60% tempo: 33X0 2.’Grace’ 30 Power Clean and Jerks for time 135/95
Monday 4/11/2022
10 Rounds for Time 10 Push Ups 10 DB GTO 50/35 10 DB Box Step Overs 24/20