Saturday 5/14/2022
Partner WOD 8x200m med ball relay then alternate 20 full rounds of: 3 Power Snatches 135/95 6 Lateral Bar Burpees then 400m Run together
Friday 5/13/2022
1) Back Squat 4×3@80% 2) AMRAP 8 8 Deadlifts 135/95 10 Wall Balls 20/14
Thursday 5/12/2022
AMRAP 20 8 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 12 Sit Ups
Wednesday 5/11/2022
1) EMOM 10 Power Clean + Hang Clean 2) For TIme (cap 10) 40 Front Squats 105/73 30 Box Jump Overs 24/20 40 Burpees
Tuesday 5/10/2022
1) Front Squat 5×3@80% 2) AMRAP 12 8 Handstand Push Ups 8 DB Hang Power Clean & STO (2 DB) 35 Double Unders
Monday 5/9/2022
1) Strict Press 10-10-8-8-5-5 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 12 Toes To Bar
Saturday 5/7/2022
4 Rounds For Time 400m Run 15 Power Cleans 135/95 40 Double Unders
Friday 5/6/2022
1)Back squat A. 4×3 @55% 33X0 Tempo B. 3×4 @75% *no tempo 2)Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2
Thursday 5/5/2022
EMOM 30 1)2-3 Wall Walks 2)10 Wall Balls *goal is unbroken sets 3)30 Seconds Row for Cals
Wednesday 5/4/2022
For Time 21-15-9 Burpees Power Snatch 115/80 Toes to Bar