Tuesday 7/18/2023
For Time 20-15-10-15-20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Burpees Pull Ups
Monday 7/17/2023
1) Front Squat 5-5-5-5 2) AMRAP 14 200m Run 8 Strict HSPU
Saturday 7/15/2023
For Time. *partition any way. Cap 20 30 Rope Climbs 100 Push Ups 100 DB Shoulder to Overhead 100 Lunges (with DB)
Friday 7/14/2023
AMRAP 8 20 Double Unders 8 Toes to Bar Then 7 minutes to build to 1 rep max clean and jerk
Thursday 7/13/2023
AMRAP 15 20 Wall Balls 20/14 15 Pull Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans 115/80
Wednesday 7/12/2023
1) Deadlift 5×5@65% 2 second pause at knee 2) Strict Press 20-20 3) Push Press 10-10-10
Tuesday 7/11/2023
3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 Burpees 30 KBS 53/35
Monday 7/10/2023
1) Bulgarian Split Squats 7×5 each leg. Add weight as needed 2) Back Squats 5×5 @ 65% **Pause at bottom. No bounce out 3) 100... Read More
Saturday 7/8/2023
“Jack” Amrap 20 10 push press 115/85 10 kbs 53/35 10 box jumps 24/20
Friday 7/7/2023
1)E90x10 Snatch deadlift + power snatch + hang snatch + snatch 2)Overhead squat 5-5-5-5