Monday 10/30/2023
4 Rounds AMRAP 1 Minute Each Movement Strict Pull Ups Push Press 45/33 Burpees Rest
Saturday 10/28/2023
4 Rounds Every 6 minutes complete for time 400m Run 35 Wall balls 20/14 26 DB GTO 50/35
Friday 10/27/2023
10 Rounds For Time 7 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105 10 Lateral Bar Burpees
Thursday 10/26/2023
EMOM 20 Alternating minutes. Goat 1 Goat 2
Wednesday 10/25/2023
1,500m Row Then 7 rounds 35 Double unders 10 Pull ups
Tuesday 10/24/2023
15 x Every 90 seconds 2 power cleans *start at 70% or higher than 1rm power clean
Monday 10/23/2023
6 Rounds for Time 10 Toes to Bar 12 Handstand Push Ups 20 Walking Lunge Steps *2 DB or KB in Front Rack. Athlete pick... Read More
Saturday 10/21/2023
‘Freddy Krueger’ For Time 21-15-9 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 Burpees
Friday 10/20/2023
1) Split Jerk 3-3-2-2-1-1 2) 50 Cal Bike For Time
Thursday 10/19/2023
5 Rounds For Time 400m Run 14 Strict Pull Ups 7 Hang Power Cleans 135/95