Wednesday 10/18/2017
1) Build to max in 12 minutes Clean and Jerk 2) Back Squat 5×1 @90%
Tuesday 10/17/2017
In 12 minutes: 1 Mile Run max Squat clean thrusters 135, 95 in 6 minutes: 800m Run max Squat clean thrusters *no rest between rounds
Monday 10/16/2017
Barbara 5 Rounds for time. Rest 3 minutes between rounds 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Squats
Saturday 10/14/2017
5 Rounds for Time 400m run 15 Burpees 3 Rope Climbs
Friday 10/12/2017
Back Squat 4×10 @70%
Thursday 10/12/2017
4 rounds. rest 5 minutes between. Tabata Row for max distance
Wednesday 10/11/2017
1) Hang power snatch 2-2-2-2 2) Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit Ups
Tuesday 10/10/2017
AMRAP 15 200m Run with 45/35 bumper plate 10 strict pull ups *can only hold outside of plate.
Monday 10/9/2017
1) 7 sets 2 Power + 2 Push Jerks 2) AMRAP 10 10 Deadlifts 135, 95 12 Hand release push ups
Saturday 10/7/2017
4 rounds for time 800m run 15 chest to bar pull ups 20 walking lunge steps