Tuesday 6/12/2018
1) 12 minutes to build to max BTN jerk + 2 OHS 2) 3 Rounds AMRAP 3 bike cals. rest 3
Monday 6/11/2018
1) Strict Press 4×5@65% 2) Back Squat 3×5@75% 3) Skater Squats 4×15 each leg
Saturday 6/9/2018
Partner wod AMRAP 13- alternate full rounds 3 Power Cleans 135, 95 6 Push Ups 9 Squats Then 6 minutes to build to max clean... Read More
Friday 6/8/2018
Bench Press 3×3@85% Bench Press 8-10 Half kneeling upside down contralateral KB press 4×12 each arm
Thursday 6/7/2018
6 Rounds. rest between rounds (2-3 minutes) Run 520m
Wednesday 6/6/2018
1) Build to max for the day 3 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 2) Clean 3×3 @ 75% 3) 40 Strict toes to bar
Tuesday 6/5/2018
1) Deadlift 3×3 @ 80% 2) AMRAP 12 5 Handstand Push Ups 10 Pull Ups – gymnastic kip or strict only; no butterfly allowed 30... Read More
Monday 6/4/2018
Snatch pull 5×5 @ 100-110 Snatch 3×3 @ 75% Skater Squats 2×15 each leg
Saturday 6/2/2018
Partner WOD 2 Rounds for Time 50 Thrusters 95, 65 60 Calories 520m Run together 50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 60 Calories 520m Run... Read More
Friday 6/1/2018
1)Back Squat build to 1RM 2)Bench Press build to 1RM