Wednesday 11/21/2018
Schedule: Wednesday regular schedule Thanksgiving Murph at 8am Friday class at 9am and 5:15pm Only Saturday regular schedule Class: Deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1
Tuesday 11/20/2018
1) Hang Power Clean 2-2-2-2 2) 2 Rounds for time (cap 6) 25/20 calories bike 18 Kettlebell Swings 70, 53 12 Pull Ups
Monday 11/19/2018
1) Front Squat 3×3@80% 2) 3 Rounds for time 100 Double Unders 16 kettlebell squat clean thrusters 53, 35 20 Toes to Bar
Saturday 11/17/2018
For Time with a partner (cap 20) 100 Pull Ups 50 Burpee wall ball throw over box 150 Deadlifts 135, 95 50 Burpee medball throw... Read More
Friday 11/16/2018
1) Back Squat 3×4 + 0-10# from last Friday 2) Deadlift 3-3-2-2
Thursday 11/15/2018
EMOM 20 minute 1 – :50 Row, cals minute 2 – :40 double unders minute 3 – :30 kettlebell swings 53, 35 minute 4 –... Read More
Wednesday 11/14/2018
1) Build to heavy 2 hang power clean + 1 jerk 2) For Time 25-20-15-10-5 cals bike 50-40-30-20-10 abmat sit ups
Tuesday 11/13/2018
5 Rounds for max reps. NFT Strict Press @ 40-50% body weight Strict Pull Ups
Monday 11/12/2017
**Regular schedule all day** The CrossFit community at large has always made a point to honor the men and women of our Armed Services and... Read More
Friday 11/10/2018
For Time 2 Rounds 400m Run 25 Shoulder to Overhead 135, 95 2 Rounds 400m Run 50 Push ups