Monday 4/1/2019
4-6 Rounds. Not for time 100m farmer carry 20 DB deadlifts 10 Half kneeling unilateral DB press each arm *choose own weights to be challenging
Saturday 3/30/2019
4 Rounds for Time 30 Burpees 800m Run
Friday 3/29/2019
Split Jerk 5×3@65% 5×1@ 75% Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2 *3 second pause at bottom
Thursday 3/28/2019
For Time 21-18-15-12-9 Wall Balls (20, 14) Deadlifts (135, 95) Pull Ups
Wednesday 3/27/2019
For Time 75 calories bike 1 mile run
Tuesday 3/26/2019
1.Clean and Jerk 4×2@70% 2.AMRAP 10 20 Box Step Ups 24, 20 18 Abmat Sit Ups 16 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35
Monday 3/25/2019
19.5 CrossFit Open Wod OR Bench press 5-5-5 Deadlift 4×5@70%
Saturday 3/23/2019
Schedule reminder: No class at 8:30am today. This year’s CrossFit Open final throwdown will kick off the first heat at 10am. Gym will be open... Read More
Friday 3/22/2019
Don’t forget guys we will be hosting our end of the open throwdown this Saturday with the first heat going off at 10am. There will... Read More
Thursday 3/21/2019
Alternate Rounds. NFT DB Row 5×8 each arm Strict Pull Ups 5×10 Wall Walk 5×6 5x400m Run