Mondy 6/10/2019
**Reminder THIS Saturday is our annual CFM anniversary cookout. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see as many of you CFMers as we can. ... Read More
Saturday 6/8/2019
*****Don’t forget next Saturday we have our Annual CFM cookout at the Grenier house. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come by. Class will be... Read More
Friday 6/7/2019
1) EMOM 10 Deadlift + Clean + 2 Jerks 2) Build to max Clean and Jerk
Thursday 6/6/2019
1) EMOM 10 Power Snatch + Snatch 2) Build to Max Snatch
Wednesday 6/5/2019
“Helen” 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 12 Pull Ups
Tuesday 6/4/2019
5 Rounds for time 400m Run 10 Ground to Overhead 135, 95 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Monday 6/3/2019
Great job to all of you that hit our 15,000m rowing goal for last month! If you did not already see we will be adding... Read More
Saturday 6/1/2019
3 Rounds for Time 800m Run 10 Front Squats 185, 125 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Friday 5/31/2019
Split Jerk. Build to heavy 3 rep For Time 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135, 95 Toes to Bar Push Jerk 135, 95
Thursday 5/30/2019
6 Sets. Every 5:00. Each for time Alternate Row 500m Run 400m