Friday 6/28/2019
**Heads up This saturday open gym will be closed at 10:30am Skater squats 3×20 each leg Deadlift 3×8@70% Dumbbell Row 4×10 each arm
Thursday 6/27/2019
4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 16 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 10 Toes to Bar
Wednesday 6/27/2019
Build to 3rm Clean and Jerk Back Squat 3×6 @ 70%
Tuesday 6/25/2019
“Lynne” Five rounds for max reps of: Body weight bench press Pull-ups
Monday 6/24/2019
Hope you are all keeping up with your running challenge workouts this month! For time. 1000m row Then 5 rounds for time 20 Wall balls... Read More
Saturday 6/22/2019
5 Rounds for Time 400m Run 8 Push Jerk 155, 105 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Friday 6/21/2019
‘The Chief’ 5 Rounds; AMRAP 3, Rest 1 3 Power Cleans 135, 95 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats
Thursday 6/20/2019
1.Front Squat 5×5 @ 65% 2.EMOM 14 Alternate movements each minute 5-10 Toes to Bar 5-10 Strict Ring Dips
Wednesday 6/19/2019
7 Rounds. OT2M 200m Run 10 Strict Pull Ups
Tuesday 6/18/2019
1) 10 minutes to build to 3rm Power Clean 2) “Grace” 30 Power Clean and Jerks for Time 135, 95