Tuesday 7/21/2020
3 Rounds for Time 200m Run 14 DB Hang Clean Thrusters 50, 35 200m Run 20 DB GTO
Monday 7/20/2020
1) EMOM 12 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks 2) Build to heavy Power Clean and Push Jerk for the day
Saturday 7/18/2020
AMRAP 30 15 Med Ball Cleans 20, 14 10 Med Ball Burpee GTO 200m Run With Med Ball
Friday 7/16/2020
For Time *Cap 18 minutes 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 Power Cleans 105, 73 Push Jerks Box Jumps 24, 20
Thursday 7/16/2020
1.EMOM 12 Hang Power Snatch + OHS +Hang Snatch 2.Build to heavy hang snatch
Wednesday 7/15/2020
4x800m Run Rest 3 minutes between sets
Tuesday 7/14/2020
1) Strict Press 8-8-8-8-8 2) AMRAP 6, Rest 3 min, AMRAP 6 10 Kettlebell Swings 53, 35 10 Air Squats 7 Burpees to Plate
Monday 7/13/2020
1) Supine Grip Bent Rows 10-10-10-10-10 2) Romanian Deadlift 12-12-10-10-10-6-6
Saturday 7/11/2020
AMRAP 20 10 (5 each arm) Single Arm Devil’s Press 50, 35 20 Lateral Bar Hops 10 Back Squats 135, 95 *from the floor and... Read More
Friday 7/10/2020
10 working Sets: work range should be 60-75% of 1rm clean/jerk 2 Power Cleans + Push Jerk + Split Jerk